Saturday, April 14, 2018

No Wall!

I too agree with Bald Eagle's Truth and that the wall is quite foolish. The United States is already in a debt for trillions; therefore, constructing a wall that will cost $2.6 billion seems outrageous. 
Some people believe the wall is a reasonable way to keep immigrants out. First off, not all immigrants are bad people--most of them aren't! With that said, I agree with what you said about border patrol being more informed that way they don't act inhumanly... reading a book is not enough. 
The Berlin Wall was a great example. Our wall may cost $2.6 billion, but if we want to avoid an overnight collapse like Berlin, we would constantly have to tender to the wall. This would result in more money spewing out. Whereas, instead, we could use that money for other more purposeful reasons. 
I do agree with you about the wall impacting both countries, therefore both should have a say. 

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