Friday, March 30, 2018

Not Your Body. Not Your Life.

Not your body. Not your life. Not your choice.

First off, let me clear up that Pro-Choice does NOT mean Pro-Abortion. Pro-Choice is simply supporting women to have the option accessible. Women should have the choice to their bodies, since they're the ones enduring the pregnancy. Many discussions nowadays include religion. Politics should not encompass religion; not everyone is religious.
With pro-life, women would have no choice but to give birth. Whereas with pro-choice, women would be able to decide. Supporting pro-choice does not necessarily mean I would get an abortion myself, but I support other women to have that option available. Stated above, their body is not mine; their life is not mine; their decision is not mine.
There are many reasons as to why a woman would consider an abortion. Some women may have been raped. In that instance, which is tragic, the women may not want to carry the child as a reminder of their rapist and/or traumatic experience. In a time where sexual assualt is more prevalent, why would anyone want to take away women's right to prioritize their mental health and overall well-being? Another reason a woman may want an abortion is due to health risks. Some women may be endangered or risk their physical health in order to give birth. In that case, knowing the mother may die, why would you want to give the woman or family only ONE option?
Other reasons would be parental pressure, partner pressure, social or economic reasons, and possible fetus abnormalities, etc. You may not support some, or any of these reasons, but once again, it is their life.
No one understands the circumstances another person endures.
Not your body. Not your. Not your choice. Support women and their decisions, or mind your business.

Friday, March 9, 2018

It Is Accomplished

       The Dish published an editorial on June 26, 2015 titled, It Is Accomplished. Not everyone may know, but June 26th was the day marriage equality was passed, finally. Andrew Sullivan, the author, wrote his opinions about the legalization of gay marriage. I decided to go with a conservative editorial because I wanted to see another perspective. However, I was not expecting this to be a pro-gay article. I was surprised at first. There was a tremendous quote Sullivan included by Gandhi, "First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they attack you. Then you win."
       I know this editorial is old, but it intrigued me. Sullivan is a known conservative, and primarily conservatives are known for sticking to their traditional ways. I believe his intended audience was other fellow conservatives who may not support equal marriage. There are plenty of people who aren't republican, and don't support gay marriage. However, in this case, Sullivan attracts republican readers, therefore he knew what sort of audience would most likely be exposed to his opinion.
     Sullivan is credible because he was knowledgeable and knew about many events before, and during the legalization. Sullivan provided insight from the lefts and the religious right. It wasn't a rapid process, but it was worth it in the end. Sullivan included his experience during the dark times when many people were against gay marriage... and those who were gay were treated as, "second class citizens." Sullivan included facts from the Bush and Clinton Administration, as well as how the Declaration of Independence states the pursuit of happiness for all citizens.
       In It Is Accomplished, Sullivan was stating he supported the legalization of gay marriage. He claimed homosexuals are no different than their heterosexual peers. "We are born into family; we love; we marry; we take care of our children; we die." I agree completely with Sullivan, and support the legalization of gay marriage was a necessity... and should've never been a debate in the first place.

Gun Reform Commentary #2

In No More Kings , Tiffany Acker tackles the issues with our second amendment in society today. I really enjoyed reading Acker's editor...